Friday, May 30, 2008

I love TV and reading

I wouldn't say that I'm addicted to TV, there is definitely some grade-A crap that makes it into prime-time, but in an effort to paint a realistic portrait of myself, I have to admit that I do love it. This, of course, is being written on the cusp of the season finale of one of Hollywood's most ingenious creations--all that is Lost (they moved the island! Locke is dead in the future! they have to go back!). I am less in love with TV during the summer and writer's strikes. Plus we recently down-graded our TV package to basic cable. No more TLC or TBS, so I won't be spending entire afternoons watching What Not to Wear and Sex in the City reruns.

This first confession is imperative because the purpose of this blog is to explore works of "literature" and to uncover little nuggets of wisdom that inspire my 21st Century-working mother-I live on an island but don't like the word "rural" existence. I read a lot. People are always asking me how I have time to read. Are you ready? I am about to unveil the true answer to that question, and it is a doozy. Ok, here you go: My life is really quite boring. No, that sounds bad--like I resent my boring life. I don't--I love it. It gives me time to read.