Thursday, November 13, 2008

FW: How are you like Jane?

You know when you get those email forwards that ask you to fill in the answers to a bunch of really unoriginal questions and then forward it on to all of your friends? Well, I have gotten a lot of those lately and have decided to make one of my own that relates to Jane Eyre. Feel free to copy and paste it into an email and send it to all of your friends.

1. Which do you prefer, grey smocks or black? (If you have a hard time deciding between the two, you may be like Jane)

2. Do you believe in ghosts, spooks, haunts, or other apparitions? (If you do, you may be like Jane)

3. What is the largest age-span between you and someone your heart truly desired? (If it is more than 15 years, you may be like Jane)

4. Do you feel obligated to consistently mention the fact that you are plain or unhandsome, and that one would have little reason to take note of you based on your physicality? (If so, you could be like Jane or Mr. Rochester!)

5. Do you want love and independence--to a fault? (If so, you guessed it)

Keep checking your email, you never know when something good like this will pop in!