Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Twilight in Oak Harbor (SPOILER ALERT)

As the sun approaches the horizon of the new Twilight movie, let's take a moment to reflect on the series that has been giving nerdy teenage girls everywhere a new sense of hope. Now, I have not read Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final installment, but I have it in my possession and plan to start as soon as things wrap up with Jane Eyre. I read these books last Spring, so I am having to brush up a bit--I got totally sidetracked on Stephanie Meyer's website where she talks about her journey to Twilight. She is so normal-seeming, I kind of wanted her to be a bit more eccentric.

In the beginning we have Bella--an average high school girl who moves from Arizona to Forks, WA, to live with her dad. Now, if you have ever been to the Olympic Peninsula, you will know that this is quite a drastic move. Forks is a tiny town south of Port Townsend and isolated from the rest of the world. She makes friends easily, but is intrigued by a group of "siblings"--apparently foster children--who keep to themselves but are all excrutiatingly beautiful. These are the Cullens--a vampire family living in Forks--the rain forest creating the perfect abode for vampires who need to stay away from direct sunlight. Duh-duh-duh...
Edward finds he has an overwhelming attraction to Bella and has to distance himself from her for fear of hurting or killing things. Blah, blah, blah, they get together, fall in love, fight with werewolves and other vampires, and begin the journey to infinity together. Now, there is some serious sexual tension between our two mortally-crossed lovers because though they long for each other (drawing in every teenage girl in America) and Meyer does not spare the details of this longing--descriptions of it are in fact, just that--long, the clincher is that they can't have sex because he would kill her. How's that for adolescent birth control, huh? Yes ladies, he is so powerful that he would actually rip her apart.
I think I will stop there for now, and let you think about that for a while. Be careful this weekend, it's supposed to be overcast...