Thursday, February 26, 2009

TV is for the birds

This week marks the beginning of a new lifestyle for me, as we have officially disconnected our cable service for an undetermined amount of time. Do not read into this, thinking that I have come to the conclusion that television will be the demise of us all--it was purely a financial decision, and one that I did not take lightly. Believe me, there were a lot of things I suggested getting rid of that are less useful to me. Such as heat. I am naturally warm anyway, so I figured we could do without that one. If it wasn't for the ever-pestilent problem of the children...

I digress. I did, however, in the absence of televised anything, manage to read a book this week. Citizen Girl (great cover art, some interesting plot points, and somewhat vague and underdeveloped characters) by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. I love the name Nicola and had never heard it before I met a colleague-turned-friend who calls herself this. I thought it was totally unique until I picked up this book-what do you know? I think I will put it on the collective nomenclature of potential names for the daughter I will never have.

This is turning into some kind of crazy awesome stream-of-consciousness activity and we are rapidly floating away from my primary objective. I think I will start over.