Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Fly on the Wall in a High School Computer Lab

I feel compelled to share a conversation I just overheard between a math teacher and a student. It may help you to know that the teacher has a thick Texan accent:

Teacher: What are you doing?
Student: I am choosing not to participate today.
Teacher: If you do not participate, you will fail.
Student: Not necessarily true.
Teacher: Yes, necessarily true. There is pass and there is fail. That is all.
Student: Well, in school, yes, but not in life.
Teacher: Yes, in life too. You either pass or you fail.
Different Student: I can't believe I have to listen to this.
(teacher walks away for a minute, but comes back by)
Student: For example, if I don't play my video game, I can't fail at it. I am only neutral.

Some things cannot be transcibed. Like the look on her face. Priceless.