Friday, April 10, 2009

An Ode to Working Mothers

My husband has been out of town for about a week and a half now, and the storm that is my existence has slowly been rising. It peaked this morning in a hallway blitzkrieg between myself and a male colleague of mine:

Male Colleague: Wow! Did you just wake up Butler? That's why I don't have hair! Hahaha!

Me (actual): Ha.

Me if there weren't students around: No, actually, I was up at 3 am when my 2-month-old decided he was starving to death, then again at 4 am when my 2-yr-old wanted to talk about his dad and sleep in my bed. Then I was peed on right before we left the house and I didn't change my clothes because we were running late and I felt my time would be better spent getting coffee since we had run out of milk and coffee. And bread for that matter. So read between the lines buddy (that is when I hold up three fingers-this is a family show).

And for the record, that is not why he doesn't have hair.