Friday, April 3, 2009

The Luxury of Libraries and Lady-bloggers

I totally get now why some women in possession of more than one child would choose not to leave their houses. Allow me to elaborate. I was very excited to be home on Spring Break this week and packed my schedule accordingly--including one of my favorite things, a trip to preschool story-time at our local library. Now, this has been a special tradition for James and I since I started taking him when he was about four months. He could barely hold his head up, but you had better believe he was going to get some stories read to him. I think he cried and I think I was embarassed. Which is utter crazy talk in light of the fact that I now have two children.

Well, let me just say that this week's Library Story-Time Fiasco involved an over-crowded tiered parking lot with an abundance of stairs and no ramp, a two and a half-year old who recently discovered that he has the ability to jump (something we have been trying to keep hidden from him for some time now), sideways rain (if you live in the NW you need no further explanation), and an elaborately landscaped fountain and zen rock garden with a tiny railing and a long, at the moment raging, stream.

This is the story of how I became that lady who is screaming at her selectively deaf child to get out of the road while she struggles to pull a huge stroller up four flights of cement stairs.

After the Library Story-Time Fiasco of 2009, I ditched the kids (and by ditched I mean left them with their very responsible father who had explicit instructions on how to care for them) and went to Seattle with my good friend Allison to a book reading event by one of our favorite lady-bloggers Heather Armstrong. The evening included margaritas, adults, and frozen yogurt. Don't get me started on my love of FroYo (when and why did this fad die?). It was wonderful. Even though I had to employ my breastpump in the front seat of Allison's car while she held my coat up.

So, all-in-all, not a boring day.


kate said...

oh the horrors of leaving the house with two. It does get easier, but I remember the younger days. I have some horrible experiences I could tell you about and they involve screaming.

Glad you got some time away

Anonymous said...

And you were up at 6:30 am to write this hilarious (and so my past life) blog. The images are so vivid! Thank you. I am drying my eyes right now....

MarinaLynn said...

Wow. I'm still so close to that that it is hard for me find any humor. But it does get better. Different, but better. Silas just discovered the power of a public temper-tantrum. I've been going out for a lot of coffee after dinner.