Monday, April 20, 2009

"That douche is my dad."

I knew it! During the first episode of the season, when we saw Pierre Chang and his little baby, I said, "Hey, I think that baby is Miles." Well, for once, my theory has panned out. In "Some Like it Hoth," we got to see the deeply conflicted child and adolescent Miles who turned out to be the deeply conflicted and moderately grumpy adult Miles. And now we get it.
Despite the seven thousand Star Wars references, this episode was totally enlightening. The premise seemed to revolve around the classic time-travel argument over whether the future can be altered by time travelers--something Hurley is convinced of as he hopes to write The Empire Strikes Back three years before its time. And we were treated to an endless stream of Hurleyisms that were laugh-out-loud funny. Like:
"How do you spell 'bounty hunter'?"
"Dude, that guy's a douche."
"Because, let's face it, Ewoks suck, dude."
"Polar bear poop, got it."
But Miles is not sure he buys into Hurley's theory. He has figured out who his daddy is, yet he is reluctant to approach him, choosing instead to "leave things alone." Oh Miles, who doesn't, on some level, want to talk to his once-thought-dead dad who apparently kicked his mom and he off the Island for a yet-unknown ( but we can assume it is that he found out about the Purge) idea? Doc Jensen seems to think that Miles will be the one to tip off his father about the coming Purge, and therefore set his own sucky life in motion. Not a bad idea, if you ask me.
My favorite part: seeing that guy chisel the fateful numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42) into the unassembled hatch. Hurley: "Dude, that's our hatch."