Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to Me

I previously mentioned that I am reading The Garden of Last Days, which I am. However, the copy I have is a huge hardback library edition and at the last minute (around 4:30 am yesterday) I decided to leave it in the car at the airport as the scene at said Seattle airport was one of mayhem and madness. Utter madness, literally. No, seriously, it was a miracle of God that we got on our flight--we had to run Home Alone-style through the terminal to our gate, and we got there 2.5 hours before we were scheduled to leave. Anyway, I left the book, not having room for it in my purse or carry-on and I was left to forge through a long-forgotten book shelf for something to read today while my son took a nap and I tried to relax. What I found is amazing and I can't keep it a secret from you--Janet Evanovich's The Rocky Road to Romance.

Evanovich writes in a short introduction to the book that it is a rip-roaring romance, and true to the genre it is just that. Almost no character development, a very shallow plot, and a whole lot of lovin'. It is fantastic, and I am not kidding you. Merry Christmas to me.

And Merry Christmas to you--may your day (and night) be merry and bright! ;)