Monday, November 23, 2009

The Heaviest Boots Ever

Sometimes a story is just really, really hard to tell. Often, when this is the case, the story is also really, really hard to read. This is one of those stories. But it is also really, really lovely and wonderful to read as well. It is a conundrum of sorts.

I am in a book club with a group of incredibly loud and extremely close women who also happen to be remarkably intelligent and astonishingly interesting. This is the book we are reading in November and boy oh boy it is so very addicting. In the story, Oskar Schell (shell=a hard outer coating or structure) is a struggling through life as a survivor. His father was killed in the World Trade Center, something Oskar knows to be true, but still Oskar can't stop looking for his father everywhere he goes. He finds a key in an envelope labeled "Black", comes to the conclusion that the key must have something to do with a person whose name is Black, then proceeds to find and interview every person in New York with the last name Black.

Ahhh!!!#@$%*&^@ This book is so good and I am growing increasingly frustrated with my inability to locate time to finish it. My 2009 Top 10 list is going to be a doozy.


Hilary Smith said...

I love this book SO much. One of my favorites for sure.