Friday, November 13, 2009

You can learn a lot about a person...

Yesterday I had to rush out of school quickly, due to an emergency call about my 9-month-old. He is fine, don't worry. But in my wake, a colleague stepped in to watch my class. Here is the note he left me:

Things I Learned in Your Class:
1. You love yourself some Harry Potter.
2. Gnomes are creepy.
3. Alfred Higgins is a thief (at least according to pg. 1--I didn't get past the 1st page).
4. I should have brought a laptop.

Looking at my desk now, I am surprised the list didn't go something like this:

1. You hide coupons for free Junior Frosties under your keyboard.
2. It doesn't seem to bother you that there are cords running amuck every which way. Some do not even seem to be going anywhere.
3. You have three water bottles and four used coffee mugs.
4. You write your name on pretty much everything that is not glued or nailed to the floor.

In my defense, Alfred Higgins is not the only thief out there. And I am planning on giving those coupons out to students who do good deeds. Someday.