Thursday, January 29, 2009

Death and Re-birth?

Well, my favorite pen died today, an ominous sign for sure. It was a Papermate Liquid Expresso, dark purple with an extra-fine point. It didn't go quickly, either--it was slow and painful, sputtering every once in a while, giving me hope that maybe it was just a minor infection, and not really the inevitable end of our journey together. But it was (the inevitable end of our journey together, that is).

Luckily I am wearing all black today as a part of a school-wide teacher conspiracy to freak out kids and see if they notice. I really don't make this stuff up. Another reason the black attire is appropriate: the death of our good friend Charlotte Staples Lewis. Yes, folks, she is a goner. Did anyone else think she bore a striking resemblance to Faraday's lab partner/girlfriend who we saw in a vegetative state being cared for by none other guessed it: Charles Widmore? Now, we know that Dan F. was recruited by Whidmore to use his time-travel expertise in an Island-procurring mission to find and destroy Ben Linus, but we didn't know that Widmore was previously connected to Faraday or that he was his "benefactor". Now Widmore is taking care of the "poor woman" whose current situation could be an informercial on the adverse effects of time travel. Ahh!
Poor Charlotte--she finally stopped scowling and actually smiled a couple of times when Dan F. was professing his love for her. But does he love her? Or does he love the similar-looking vegetative-state lab partner? Or are the the same woman?...
I tried to find a picture of C.S. Lewis with blood spurting forth from her nose, but apparently those images are protected. And probably not appropriate for school.