Thursday, January 22, 2009

Destiny Calls

Destiny can be a fickle b-word sometimes. A lesson I have learned the hard way a time or two. Like today, for instance. I have a week left in the semester; a mountain of final projects, exams, and essays on which to confer, collect, and grade; and a damn baby is trying to come out of me. The timeline is imperfect and I refuse to submit to it willingly. But, as I previously hinted, destiny is not a supplicant opponent.

Which brings me to the other reason I refused to have a baby yesterday: the season 5 premiere of Lost. In the last couple of years, I have catapulted to level "crazy" of Lost fandom--something that annoys my husband to no end, but is totally fueled by my equally eccentric colleagues. In fact, one of my work friends comes up with theories more brilliant than I could ever conceive to dream up (she's a Dr. and a math teacher, and she works for NASA on the side--go figure). So I have made myself write this before discussing last night's premiere with her, in order to keep myself from plagerizing her ideas. If I write again tomorrow, however, you will be on to me.

And now, what I loved:

1. Hurley's extreme guilt at lying. Guilt, they say, is the worst motivator, but it certainly works. I grew up Catholic, so trust me, I know a bit about the subject. Hurley's guilt over lying about the people they left behind makes him crazy, and he's been seeing dead people.
2. The butcher. She is a badass, and somehow connected to the island? The infrastructure of Ben's madness gets bigger and more complex as each day passes.
3. Sawyer slapping Daniel Faraday. He is just the kind of character who needs a little "right now" slapped into him every once in a while. I love him, though, so don't be confused.
4. Flying flaming arrows. Where did they come from? And who?
I will pause now to formulate my own theories and will return tomorrow. AKA, I have to read Doc Jensen's Entertainment Weekly reviews and talk to my friend Tinell.


kate said...

I'm so into it as well. And last night, it didn't bode well for a well-rested sleep.

I remember when I had Lily, I so wanted to see grey's anatomy and Lost in the same week. Thankfully, she came on a Friday. I had all my shows in and the weekend to lay in bed. It was great.